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Thank You, D-Nice, For Reinventing the House Party.

Writer's picture: Grownesque TeamGrownesque Team

Photo Credit: @dnice Instagram

This weekend I went to a day party with thousands of other people, but I didn’t need to shower, get a babysitter, stand in line, buy a drink, and I even had a chance to chat with Naomi Campbell ( in, my comment appeared immediately before hers and she appeared to respond although I know it was probably a total coincidence.) Didn’t have to worry about any unwanted booty grabs, paying for bottle service, or finding an appropriate club outfit (because trust me, it's been a minute since I’ve

been to one and I would probably have to ask my much cooler little sister what to wear).

Like many of you, I was vibing at DJ D-Nice’s Instagram Day party, Club Quarantine. Who knows what he typically gets per gig or what he’ll NOW get per gig since he officially broke the internet... But he did this for Free.99 - and it was truly a service to mankind. Music does have the power to heal- and while not a perfect proxy to human interaction, even seeing written and emoji-driven reactions to playing our *jams* was infectious. Can’t you hear airhorns when a string of Jamaican flags comes across your screen???

He also showed us that even #FOMO is adaptable to even the quarantine era. Every celebrity (or their social media team) from Oprah to Kamala Harris (based on her comments I think it really was Sen. Harris living her best life and reminiscing about her time going to parties at Howard). You had to be online to experience the reactions and comments when a new celebrity ‘stepped’ into the building… reggae legend Buju banton changed the whole set! Omarosa… well… wouldn’t say she had the warmest reception.

Even though we were in the same place we hadn’t left, in some cases, a week and a half plus, for a good 7 hours a day daily (less hat changes and possible bathroom breaks) for at least 5 days straight, DJ D-Nice helped hundreds of thousands of homebound people feel like it was ok to stay home and transported us into the best, biggest party on earth.

Endorphins boost immunity. I think we can all use as much of that as possible right about now. ;-). Thank you, DJ D-Nice for uplifting our spirits with Club Quarantine.



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